Family Resources and Support - FIRC

Family & Intercultural Resource Center - Summit County
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Family & Intercultural Resource Center


Located in Summit County, Colorado, FIRC works to strengthen local families through education and financial resources. FIRC believes strong sustainable families are the key to a strong and healthy community. FIRC focuses on families with dependent children, seniors, and people with disabilities.

FIRC’s Special Programs

FIRC is working closely with community partners to provide families and individuals with the support needed.

FIRC Services

  • Supportive Services
    • Housing Assistance
    • Family Goal Setting
    • Energy & Utility Assistance
    • Medical & Dental Assistance
  • Health & Wellness
    • Health Insurance Enrollment
    • Mental Health Navigation
    • ALMA Peer Support for Women
  • Food & Thrift
    • Food Pantry
    • Food Donations
    • Thrift & Treasure Volunteer
  • Parenting
    • Virtual home Visits
    • Parenting Support & Resources
    • Parenting Events & Groups

Similar services available:

Immigrant Youth Leadership Programs- Convivir

We support immigrant youth as they find power in their migrant experience and use it to enrich themselves and their communities.

Disability Support and Education Services-El Grupo Vida Colorado

El Grupo VIDA is a network of Hispanic/Latino parents formed to provide mutual support for people with disabilities or special needs, their parents, family, and guardians.

Community Resources

English language classes, a community-run food access program, an organic urban farm, a comprehensive care dental clinic, Community Navigators and Family Partners

No Cost Mental Wellbeing Support for Immigrants – DCAC

Our Immigrant Family Initiative provides mental health services specifically to families and children who are experiencing trauma or stress as a result of their immigration status or situation.
Services offered to families experiencing trauma due to immigration.

Services Available
Trainings- empower families in growth and well- being

Support groups- to share stories and heal from experiences.

Individual/family therapy- bilingual therapists with experience with immigration issues who individuals and families through, heal, and overcome experiences.

Trauma & Disaster Recovery Clinic at DU

The Trauma & Disaster Recovery Clinic (TDRC) provides psychological support to individuals and communities who have experienced stress, adversity and/or trauma. We utilize an integrative, need and strengths-based approach that is culturally informed. Our services are continually evaluated to ensure effectiveness and are not restricted by status.

Immigrant Services Program – Metropolitan State University of Denver

The bilingual staff at MSU Denver’s Immigrant Services Program can assist with questions about applying, paying for, and succeeding in higher education.

Servicios De La Raza

Servicios is committed to continuing to provide the essential services to our community, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, creed, or documentation status. These programs include:

Behavioral health resources including counseling, therapy, substance abuse counseling, and DUI levels I and II education.

UCCS Undocumented Student Support

This program supports UCCS Undocumented/DACA/ASSET students, also referred to as Dreamers, and other multicultural students who receive the additional attention, advocacy, and support of the MOSAIC office.

ASSET & DREAMer College Resources – CCD

Community College of Denver (CCD) welcomes ASSET/ DREAMer students! Pursuing an education is important and can sometimes feel overwhelming. CCD has dedicated staff to help you through the process and make you feel at home.

Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking

Colorado’s Human Trafficking Hotline is a 24/7 hotline and resource directory managed by the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking, a Colorado-based nonprofit organization. Colorado’s Human Trafficking Hotline is a survivor-informed resource created to connect individuals experiencing exploitation, individuals reporting potential human trafficking tips, and service providers in search of referral resources with available support services in a safe and anonymous manner.

Want to learn more? 

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