ASSET/ DREAMer College Resources - CCD

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Community College of Denver 


Community College of Denver (CCD) welcomes ASSET/ DREAMer students! Pursuing an education is important and can sometimes feel overwhelming.

CCD has dedicated staff to help you through the process and make you feel at home


Resources Provided

• Comprehensive academic advising for Dreamer students, which includes course placement and registration for classes, as well as academic and degree planning.

• Bilingual staff available.

• Assistance with students focus on a major, utilizing career counseling and assessment through the Career and Transfer Center.

• Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA) assistance and help with ASSET state residency classification.

• Scholarship and essay assistance.

• Institutional and Foundation scholarships.

• State Aid to eligible ASSET students

• Human services resources to Dreamer Students through the Student Life Office

Similar services available:

Grief Counseling Services- Judi’s House

Judi’s House provides support to children and families grieving a death. Services are provided to youth ages 3 to 25, and their families at no charge.

UNDOCU & DACA Student Support

Get help filling out your forms, and Scholarships. Undocumented & DACAmented are welcome

Trauma & Disaster Recovery Clinic at DU

The Trauma & Disaster Recovery Clinic (TDRC) provides psychological support to individuals and communities who have experienced stress, adversity and/or trauma. We utilize an integrative, need and strengths-based approach that is culturally informed. Our services are continually evaluated to ensure effectiveness and are not restricted by status.

No Cost Mental Wellbeing Support for Immigrants – DCAC

Our Immigrant Family Initiative provides mental health services specifically to families and children who are experiencing trauma or stress as a result of their immigration status or situation.
Services offered to families experiencing trauma due to immigration.

Services Available
Trainings- empower families in growth and well- being

Support groups- to share stories and heal from experiences.

Individual/family therapy- bilingual therapists with experience with immigration issues who individuals and families through, heal, and overcome experiences.

Servicios De La Raza

Servicios is committed to continuing to provide the essential services to our community, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, creed, or documentation status. These programs include:

Behavioral health resources including counseling, therapy, substance abuse counseling, and DUI levels I and II education.

Mental & General Health Support Services

La Cocina provides full access to traditional and nontraditional forms of mental health and health equity support services for the Latinx immigrant community.

Programs for Pregnant and Postpartum Mothers- Motherwise

MotherWise empowers women and their families to thrive during pregnancy and after a new baby is born.

Disability Support and Education Services-El Grupo Vida Colorado

El Grupo VIDA is a network of Hispanic/Latino parents formed to provide mutual support for people with disabilities or special needs, their parents, family, and guardians.

Aurora Mental Health & Recovery

Aurora Mental Health & Recovery is a SAMHSA Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic offering services to address a wide range of mental health conditions. Individuals and families rely on us to help them cope with a variety of challenges. Our staff of physicians, nurses, psychologists, therapists, and peers works with all age groups, from children to seniors.

For more information

Call or email Ivonne Andrea Kossik

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